Vietnamese songs, why not?

Hey guy, it's Vanessa, welcome back!
Think about Vietnamese, let's try to listen it from the songs. If you haven't listen any Vietnamese words before, this way may surprise to you.
Let's start!
My very first recommend song is 'Nồng nàn Hà Nội', composed and sung by Nguyễn Đức Cường.
"Bước xuống phố sáng tinh mơ, dạo qua góc công viên, thấy bao điều. Người người chào bình minh rạng rỡ, nhìn cụ già tập dưỡng sinh. Sao trong tâm ta thấy bình yên, một Hà Nội rất thân quen...".
"Step down the street in early morning, walk around the park, see many things. The person greeting radiant dawn, looking at the old man practicing. Why in the heart we find peace, a very familiar Hanoi..."
This song can make me feel happy and warm every time I listen because Hanoi is my hometown. The lyrics base on the true things happen in very morning in Hanoi. How beautiful of this city. Hope you enjoy this song like me.

Do you know that the poem can be a lyrics for song? If not, here is an example I want to share with you, the Vietnamese poem call Bánh Trôi Nước - The floating cake, composed by poetess Hồ Xuân Hương. This poem was composed since 1800s, intention about the life of women in feudal society.
"Thân em vừa trắng lại vừa tròn
Bảy nổi, ba chìm với nước non
Rắn nát mặc dầu tay người nặn
Mà em vẫn giữ tấm lòng son."
"My body is both white and round
In water I now swim, now sink.
The hand that kneads me may be rough—
I still shall keep my true-red heart."
This poem is widely known in Vietnam before being used as lyrics of the song with same name, performance by singer Hoàng Thuỳ Linh.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy with 2 songs I sharing above. I will be back with this topic in other posts.
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